Cancer is a Killer. Fairly obvious statement there. Of course it is a killer, there is no known cure. But as bad as it is, it doesn’t just kill it’s host, it kills hopes and dreams, plans and activities. It...
Continue reading...Not Quite Daily Recaps
3 Months
What a day is has been. It feels like its been one long day from the last post here to this one. On the surface nothing has changed, however as is often the case, it is below the surface that...
Continue reading...Hope is overrated
It’s November. First of all how did that happen? As always so much has happened over the previous months that I’ve not posted for. There is a reason (isn’t there always). There are some things happening to me and my family...
Continue reading...Going Back to Move On
To my poor unloved blog, It has been so long since I have shown you love and posted to you but now I am back again. I want to go back in time a little with this post and cover...
Continue reading...Liverpool Floods
Where to start? – So many of my posts here start with those three words. That’s only because it’s usually so long between posts here that I can throw any kind of ‘regular’ label out of the window.
Continue reading...We do just.. Begin Again
As you are reading this post I have (or will have) started a new chapter in my adventure through life.
Continue reading...May
Well I’ve been posting here once a month for a while it seems. This isn’t intentional, it’s just what seems to be happening at the moment.
Continue reading...First Runner-up
I really have no idea what I am doing any more. Did I ever truly know? Was there ever a clearer path than darkness to follow?
Continue reading...Becoming as clear as blackness
So much to say that there is not enough time to say it. Things did get difficult from the 14th February for many many reasons. Here we are, almost a month later and I am still here. Somehow. I am...
Continue reading...Sorry
Times are going to get very hard over the next few weeks. I’ll apologise in advance.
Continue reading...The Grind of Broken Dreams
Insanity – Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results / Grind – To perform repetitive actions over and over to achieve a goal Anyone who says that Job Hunting is easy probably hasn’t had to...
Continue reading...Spiralling
I’m stuck. Here. Physically. Mentally. I try to leave to make plans to ‘get myself out there’ and what happens? I’m pulled right back in. I write here when I feel the need to, but right now my need is greater...
Continue reading...Just Stop: The dark side of recovery
The following post is about a personal issue. It is a long post, an unedited thought-stream from my mind as of 10/1/16. I’ve been keeping all this in for far too long, and now as I can read it back...
Continue reading...A Title
Where to even start with this one? Yet again it’s been a long time since I’ve had a moment to sit and write anything down outside of my personal notes. There has been a lot of things going on with...
Continue reading...Back to July
I guess I can go ahead and post this now, this was my experiences and feelings from a very wet day back in July of this year. I’ve changed some details and specifics in the story below as I have...
Continue reading...It’s Time
Time heals all wounds. – Does it? Really? It’s time my friends for me to load up this website and add an entry. It’s been almost a month which by my standards is not a very long time. However I...
Continue reading...Stop
A heart that’s full up like a landfill… Where does it change? When should the change be expected? What has to fall in place in order for it to happen? Life lately has been incredibly testing, and it seems no...
Continue reading...Closure & Clarity
In July of 2011, two friends and I were involved in a car accident. Nobody else was involved, unless you count some rain, some diesel, a fence, angry sheep and a straight road. Yes it was me, I very slowly...
Continue reading...120 BASIC
Wake up, don’t feel good but force myself in. In to the unknown as changes come today. Waiting. Waiting. Sudden change and into something new. Mixed feelings. Thrown in to the deep end of the shallow pool. Somehow still standing.
Continue reading...Man falls into a hole
The true genius shudders at incompleteness – and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be. Edgar Allan Poe I’ve found myself reading a little more these past few days. I guess reading about reading...
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