Not Quite Daily Recaps

Hope is overrated

It’s November. First of all how did that happen? As always so much has happened over the previous months that I’ve not posted for. There is a reason (isn’t there always). There are some things happening to me and my family...

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I’m stuck. Here. Physically. Mentally. I try to leave to make plans to ‘get myself out there’ and what happens? I’m pulled right back in. I write here when I feel the need to, but right now my need is greater...

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A Title

Where to even start with this one? Yet again it’s been a long time since I’ve had a moment to sit and write anything down outside of my personal notes. There has been a lot of things going on with...

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It’s Time

Time heals all wounds. – Does it? Really? It’s time my friends for me to load up this website and add an entry. It’s been almost a month which by my standards is not a very long time. However I...

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A heart that’s full up like a landfill… Where does it change? When should the change be expected? What has to fall in place in order for it to happen? Life lately has been incredibly testing, and it seems no...

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Wake up, don’t feel good but force myself in. In to the unknown as changes come today. Waiting. Waiting. Sudden change and into something new. Mixed feelings. Thrown in to the deep end of the shallow pool. Somehow still standing.

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Man falls into a hole

The true genius shudders at incompleteness – and usually prefers silence to saying something which is not everything it should be. Edgar Allan Poe I’ve found myself reading a little more these past few days. I guess reading about reading...

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