258 Days

I’ve just written another post for another blog and the Days between post counts on that blog is worse than this. So, you should be grateful. This is a short one, as in a matter of 258 days a lot...

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A year ago today, this image was posted to my Facebook timeline with the quote ‘My life right now’: Yesterday, the car broke down on the motorway. Traveling at 70 in lane 3 I get a warning light pop up,...

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Stuck (again)

We gotta talk health. Regretless decision, failing health and… Depression. It’s been a tumultuous couple of years for me, my health and general progress / wellbeing. Let’s go back to say… February 2015.. Bare with me. Up until February 2015 I...

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What If?

What If? – That fucking question has followed me around since a brainstorming session in a 3rd Year Media Technology module seminar. It was decided by unimaginative people to be the ‘theme’ of an Exhibition & Performance module to tell...

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Sometimes solutions arn’t so simple, sometimes goodbye’s the only way. — Linkin Park [ms_label background_color=”#70d628″ ]HAN: Heartbroken[/ms_label] #RIPChester Your light lit up the darkest of places and the darkest of spaces within my life. I am completely heartbroken for your...

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3 Months

What a day is has been. It feels like its been one long day from the last post here to this one. On the surface nothing has changed, however as is often the case, it is below the surface that...

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Nothing will work unless you do. — Maya Angelou [ms_label background_color=”#70d628″ ]HAN: Hopeful yet Reflective[/ms_label] Nothing comes easy. Would we feel any benefit if it did? Would we feel it was ‘work’? Should things be easy? Should things be easier...

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You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write. – Saul Bellow HAN –  A Korean word that has no literal English translation except to say that it is a State of Soul;...

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Hope is overrated

It’s November. First of all how did that happen? As always so much has happened over the previous months that I’ve not posted for. There is a reason (isn’t there always). There are some things happening to me and my family...

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