Monday… aka Shitday

Well that was one hell of a shitty day. At the start of today I thought that all of my writing and updating yesterday was a big waste of time.

I woke up with aspirations to get long-term things a little more sorted, like seeing where I stand with finances to do with no-longer receiving SSP and finally sorting out some stuff that has been piling up for weeks. Its a bit of a busy week with hospital appointments between me and my mother so I was looking forward to a day of getting things sorted.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t exactly what the day had planned for me. Instead I received an email from my website hosting company informing me that there was malware detected on one of my websites. Investigating further revealed that this malware had spread to the majority of my websites, both live and those in development. “Fuck” I thought.

The company kept telling me that they don’t have the relevant knowledge to assist me themselves and passed me on to their partner for this kind of thing, who wanted to charge $199 a year for protection PER SITE. This simply wasn’t an option, so faced with a choice of sites becoming blacklisted or to just throw in the towel I decided to see if I could do the required fixes myself.

I worked out a process that worked on the first few sites and so I set about replicating that across all live websites (22), and by 6pm I was done. I asked the company for another deep scan and it was confirmed to me that the malware issues were resolved. We will have to wait and see if it returns or not, but so far we are ok. I’ll talk more technically about the issues over at at some point soon.

But yes, that was a hell of a shit day.
