Life: It Goes On

My poor neglected blog. Wow it’s been a while.

The funny thing is, everytime I come here with something to write, I see the blank page and I simply don’t know how to fill it. It is almost as if too much time has now passed, as too much has gone on. But I’ll be back.

I suppose the biggest thing to mention at this point is that I’ve finished pla… you see, same thing again. I’ve no idea how to start this… But I will and once I start, there will be no stopping.

Part of “The Masterplan” for 2022 is to get websites working for me the way I want them to work. And no longer working on Client sites will play a part in that. Soon I will launch another site.

Otherwise, I am so tired. I want February to be over and I am looking forward to March / April / May.
