The Life of Walter Mitty

I recently watched ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ – (yes just a few years later). It did not disappoint one little bit.

Ok, hollywoodised in many places but the story was there, and how it was shot was amazingly creative. This enters the list. The list of films that I can closely relate to, are incredibly carefully put together and are the kind of film you can tell that love and care went into every single aspect.


The films that I watch right till the end of the credits. I’ve waited a while after this film was released to watch it – partly because I looked over it after seeing a covershot and reading the title. It was the soundtrack that finally convinced me to get my hands on it. In the same way that Zach Braff’s soundtracks attract people to his films, his hand carefully crafting the individual audience experience. Partly because I knew before watching it, it would be a film I enjoyed, and so I wanted to be in the right headspace to view it. With enough space to fully absorb its message. – Every film has a message, but you have to be open to receiving it.

More on this soon.
